

Lirien had spent her entire life in Selune's Grace, a peaceful town dedicated to the worship of the Moon Goddess, Lyrisia. As a devoted acolyte of the temple, she had spent her days learning the ways of holy and Lunar magic, as well as close combat with quarter staves, to protect the town from the various creatures that roamed the surrounding forests and hills.
Despite her love for the town and her devotion to the goddess, Lirien had always felt restless. She longed to see the world beyond Selune's Grace, to experience new things and meet new people. As she grew older, her restlessness grew stronger until she could no longer ignore it.
That morning, Lirien looked in the mirror and decided. "It's time to leave." She tied up her moonlight silver hair, packed her healing salves and potions, grabbed her quarterstaff, and set off. The morning light reflected in her deep purple eyes and silver crescent belt.
"To a new adventure," she said to herself as she left without a word to anyone.
With determination, Lirien set off from Selune's Grace and began a journey that would take her to Eldermere, the city at the center of the world. As she reached the edge of the forest, she knew; Her new life began here.
Finally, after many weeks of uneventful travel, Lirien arrived at the front gate of Eldermere. Its imposing weathered gate stood over 20 meters in height, with two massive magic powered golems standing at either side.

*Most parts of the manga are generated by ai. I merely did the editing.

The intro in manga form