Lirien gradually awoke to the sound of a gentle knocking and birds chirping outside her window. She took a brief moment to stretch, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Lirien yawned, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation for what adventure awaited them that day. Having passed out the moment she hit the bed yesterday, she hadn't had the time to take in her surroundings. She took note of the rustic wooden furniture, the cozy handmade quilts on their beds, and the colorful woven rug that warmed the stone floor. It was all so foreign compared to the temple she was used to, but not in a way she didn't like. A brief smile flashed on her face as she remembered her friends and family at the temple. All the while, Zephyr was already up and methodically packing his bag with supplies for the journey.
While entering her room, he said, "Kaelin has a new mission for us," , handing her a list of items they would need. "It seems that there have been rumors about strange happenings involving disappearances at the edge of the kingdom, and he wants us to investigate."
Lirien nodded, grabbing her bag and quickly adding a few personal items. "I've heard whispers about shadows in the night," she commented, "a small village on the outskirts of the kingdom, where people have been disappearing without a trace. Do you think it has anything to do with the Duke's recent activities?"
Zephyr shrugged. "It's hard to say, but it isn't unlikely with what we found; anyway, let's grab some breakfast and gather ourselves before starting today."
Following Zephyr's suggestion, Lirien and Zephyr made their way down the old wooden steps into the common room of the guild, where the smell of breakfast filled the air. The room was bustling with patrons, a mix of locals and fellow travelers sharing tales and laughter over their morning meals.
They found an empty table near the corner, and a cheerful server named Caelia soon arrived to take their orders. Lirien decided on a hearty meal of fluffy scrambled eggs, sizzling sausages, and a generous helping of fried potatoes, while Zephyr opted for a traditional dish from his homeland, a steaming bowl of porridge topped with fresh berries and a drizzle of honey. To drink, they both chose a fragrant herbal tea that reminded Lirien of the teas she used to enjoy at the temple.
The flavors of the food were a delightful change from the simple fare Lirien was accustomed to at the temple, and she found herself savoring each bite. The warm, inviting atmosphere of the inn's common room also contributed to her growing excitement for the journey ahead.
As they ate, they discussed their upcoming mission and any possible connections to the Duke's recent activities, until Caelia passed and interjected.
"You two are talking about the disappearances in Faldale, right?" Caelia chimed, brimming with excitement! "They say demons are ransacking homes and stealing entire families, never to be seen again."
"Where did you hear all this?" Zephyr inquired, his eyes narrowing, hoping for more information.
"The tradesmen were discussing it as they had family there that was affected. They said the attacks couldn't be just common bandits as nothing was ever stolen. Just the people would vanish." She said with a grimace.
As if on que, Erisa called, "Caelia, you don't have all day to stand around and listen to stories; get to serving the guests."
Bowing to the pair, "I'll take my leave then," she said.
Lirien set down her cutlery and said to Zephyr, "What do you think is happening in Faldale?"
"I'm hoping it's just simple bandits, however, with our previous encounter, I doubt it will be as simple." Zephyr replied, wiping his mouth and pushing his bowl to the side. "Let's get a move on; the Kaelin is expecting us."
As they approached the old wooden desk at the center of the guild, Kaelin waved them over to one of the side rooms. "This way. We have much to discuss."
Lirien and Zephyr stepped into the meeting room, which was simply furnished with two brown cloth sofas, a coffee table in the middle, and a window looking out into the training yard behind the guild.
As they sat on the sofa, Kaelin began. "I know you prefer washing your hands of everything after a mission. However, this one I believe is connected to yesterday's findings"
"We have already pieced as much together" Zephyr interrupted. "Faldale right? You want us to investigate the disappearances."
"Have rumors spread that rapidly already?" Kaelin asked mostly to himself.
Lirien interjected, "People are thinking it's demons from what I've heard."
"Yes, yes...... Anyway, on to the request. The city security council has asked that you two specifically take on this quest. Not by name, mind you, but they wanted this information to reach as few people as possible. " Kaelin explained. "And before you ask Zephyr, they don't know who you two are."
"It's very unlike the council to trust such a delicate matter in hands of people they don't know." Zephyr said, eyeing Kaelin suspiciously.
"While it's now public knowledge that the local aristocracy was price gouging and manipulating the markets, we've made it a point to not cause panic with the possibility of war with Thalrendor." Kaelin says with clear worry in his voice. "Even more worrisome, the document you found about the mercenaries they hired doesn't match what's happening. The reports from Faldale say that belongings, money, crops, cattle, or anything of value is never touched. No corpses or blood are ever found either."
"If these were your standard bandits or mercenaries, they wouldn't just leave that stuff." Zephyr said, now very interested in the matter. "It couldn't be monsters either, as they would leave a nasty mess."
"Has there been any issues in Faldale in the past?" Lirien asked.
"Nothing in recent history, A few decades ago, a large monster laid waste to the town till it was driven off and eventually destroyed by the guild. However, Its unlikely its connected" Zephyr said. "I was actually one of the ones who helped drive it off way back then. Eventually it was killed by the kingdom's guards a few years later.... Ugly-looking beast, huge black bullgoat with a horrible cry."
"Ah, that brings back memories, eh, Zeph?" Kaelin spoke with a reminiscent look on his face. "I was still a greenhorn back then."
"Eh? Wait. Zephyr, How old are you?!" Lirien asked, surprised.
"A bit over 130, I believe. My race lives far longer than most humans. I'm still a child compared to most of my village." Zephyr said.
Clearing his throat, Kaelin continued. "Moving on, your mission is this. Find out what the cause of the disappearances is and put a stop to it if possible. However, if it's too much for just the two of you, come back immediately, and we will form an advanced party."
"You really think it could be that big?" Lirien asked slightly concerned.
"I don't expect the two of you to take on an entire band of bandits or professional mercenaries on your own." Kaelin stated. "The last thing I want is to send my people to their graves. "
"Also. Lirien, this is yours," he said as he pulled out a bronze lapel pin with the guild's crest on it. The pin had a bronze background with a silver spear and heart on it, and the dragon was a dull black. He then handed it to her.
"The background is your overall rank, the sword and shield are the rank of the highest mission rank you've completed. The spear is for combat oriented missions, the heart is for missions in service of the kingdom, and the dragon is the highest rank monster you've defeated." He explained.
"That's a high rank for a newcomer who's been here less than a day, isn't it, Kaelin?" Zephyr protested, partly in jest.
"I think she more than proved herself with how she fought yesterday." Kaelin retorted with a similar feel.
"Thank you so much!" Lirien exclaimed as she affixed it to her dress.
"Alright. Let's get on with it; we're burning daylight." Zephyr said, standing. While Lirien followed suit.
"Go with the heart of a dragon." Kaelin said as the two left the room.
After the meeting with Kaelin, Lirien and Zephyr decided to head to the market to gather the supplies they needed for their journey. As they walked through the winding alleys , Lirien marveled at the sights and sounds of the bustling city. It was a far cry from the peaceful temple she was used to, but she found the energy and excitement invigorating.
"Let's split up here. You gather what you need, and I'll gather my lot. Meet back at the guild in an hour."
"Yeah! I'll see you there." She said excitedly.
As they parted ways, Lirien remembered something very important. She in fact; Had no clue where to go or even where she was.
"Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to split up." She thought to herself.  "Ah well. The shops are all close together anyway; I can't get that lost."
Lirien wandered the streets till she spotted a small apothecary adorned with a rustic-ornate, dark oak sign with a large crescent moon and a mortar and pestle hanging over the doorway. It read "cauldron and Moonlight"
Upon entering, Lirien was greeted by the warm, earthy scent of herbs and the faint aroma of burning incense. The shop was dimly lit, with a soft, ambient glow emanating from the flickering candles scattered about. The walls were lined with shelves, each filled with a variety of jars and vials containing colorful powders, dried herbs, and mysterious liquids. In the center of the shop stood a large wooden table covered in books and scrolls, along with an assortment of alchemical tools and instruments.
Behind the counter, Lirien spotted two employees: a tall, willowy woman with dark auburn hair, and a short, rotund man with a bushy gray beard. The woman introduced herself as Elara, the proprietor of the Cauldron and Moonlight, and the man, grinning widely, announced himself as Barnabus, her loyal assistant and husband.
"Welcome youngster, what can we do for you?" Barnabus said jovially
"Come now, dear, show some respect, she's a priestess from my hometown." Elara said, bowing to Lirien.
"No need for the formality," Lirien assured them. "I'm here as an adventurer and nothing more."
"You're tired of the small town life I see." She said with a smile. "I was much the same all those years ago.
"I'll be taking a journey to the western edge of the kingdom with a friend, so a three-day journey one way." Lirien explained.
"I see. Barnabus, Help her gather all of the supplies she will need for the trip." Elara told her husband. "
With a glint in her eye, she looked at Lirien and said. "Feel free to look around at everything else while we provide the essentials."
"Thanks! Will do" Lirien said cheerfully.
As Lirien perused the shelves, she was drawn to a section of the store filled with various healing salves and potions. Her eye was drawn to an old silver pendant with the symbol of her temple on it, along with a rune she had never seen before engraved on the back.
Carefully picking it up, she brought it to the counter, "How much is this?" She asked.
Elara looked at it and thought for a moment. "I've had that for longer than I can remember. I'll part with it for 5 gold."
Lirien paused for a moment, realizing that Elara couldn't see the magic in it or the rune.  "I'll take it!" She said enthusiastically.
"Here we are," Barnabus said as he placed the burlap sack on the counter.
"All together, that's 13 gold pieces." Elara said.
Lirien handed her a 10g and a 5g piece , letting Elara keep the extra two. "Thanks for everything!" She called out while placing the burlap sack into her pack and putting the pendant around her neck. She then set out back into the market district.
"I feel bad for charging her so much for that old necklace," Elara thought to herself while waving her goodbye.
"I feel bad for practically stealing a magic necklace from them. 5 gold was way too low for this," Lirien thought as she waved back.

After parting ways with Lirien, Zephyr went to the guild  to buy a few weapons and supplies. He picked out a sturdy steel long dagger and a few throwing knives, along with a quiver of arrows for a bow. He also purchased a small hammer and some iron wire, along with some crystal dust, before he departed. He also purchased a small leather pouch made for various tools before stepping back out onto the bustling street.
After a short walk, Zephyr reached a mechanical looking print shop in the market district.
Upon entering the 5 Districts Herald, Zephyr instinctively relaxed, The scent of ink and parchment filled the air, giving the shop a nostalgic charm that reminded him of his childhood. The walls were adorned with rustic wooden shelves, displaying a wide array of scrolls, books, and beautifully illustrated maps.
Behind the front desk was a friendly-looking woman with short, curly brown hair, a smattering of freckles across her cheeks, Her demeanor was warm and welcoming, and she greeted Zephyr with a playful, "Good day, sir! Welcome to the 5 Districts Herald. How may I assist you today?"
"How have you been, Meryl?" He asked in a kind tone.
"Welcome back, Zeph!" She laughed, breaking the mock formality.
"Here for your usual supplies, I reckon?" She said.
"Not quite; a special request this time."
He took his time explaining that he was looking for a specific item – a map of the western edge of the kingdom with Faldale on it, as well as extra parchment and ink, and any recent news about the region.
Meryl nodded enthusiastically and walked with Zephyr around to the different sections of the shop, gossiping about everything she's been up to and has heard recently, giving Zephyr some valuable insight into the potential challenges they might face on their journey.
"Faldale eh? That's quite a trip this time; also, this is a lot more parchment and ink than you usually get." She said worriedly.
"It's just a standard investigation, nothing to worry about.. As for all the extra parts, I've taken a partner. More of an apprentice, really." Zephyr said.
"That's rare!" Meryl exclaimed. "I thought you were done with working with others."
"I see potential in this one. She also reminds me of you when you were young." Zephyr said, thinking back, with a reminiscing tone.
Meryl smiled warmly. "It's good seeing you trust others again."
After purchasing the supplies and saying their goodbyes, Zephyr made his way back to the guild, ready to meet up with Lirien and make the final preparations for their journey.

As Lirien made her way back, she could see Zephyr already waiting for her in front of the guild.
"Heeeey," she said, waving to him. "I'm ready to set out!"
Walking up to her, he said, "I doubt that priestess; you don't even have food and water."
"Oh. I had just planned to gather it as we go. That's what I did on my journey here anyway." She said while stretching her arms.
"You were lucky enough that a river runs from Eldermere to Selune." Zephyr said patronizingly. "There are no rivers, and the game is sparse till we hit the outskirts of Faldale."
"oh.... well, I might actually need some stuff then." She said a bit embarrassed.
"No matter, I figured this would happen." Zephyr said with a slight sigh, handing her a medium-sized pack. "Let's grab some rations then."
Making their way through the market stalls, they grabbed any food that would last on the journey; A few hardtacks, dried meats
and vegetables, along with some spices, courtesy of Zephyr.
"That should be enough. Let's head out." Zephyr said while putting the last of the food in his pack.
"Shouldn't we wait till tomorrow? It's already almost evening." Lirien asked, unsure as to why they would travel into the night.
"It's far easier to travel at night this time of the year. It's not nearly as hot, and there are more creatures out at night." Zephyr explained.
"And monsters," Lirien retorted.
"True, but it's far better to see them coming than to be eaten in your sleep." Zephyr said with a sly smile.
"Ah... Didn't think of that....." Lirien said as she realized how lucky
she was, to have made it to Eldermere.
They proceeded through the town till the guild district, where they reached the abnormally large western gate. Zephyr held out his guild badge, a solid black one at that. The colossal magical golems eyes flashed, and they began pulling the chain to open the large gate. The gate house was almost 100 meters high, 20 meters thick, and 20 meters wide, with a heavy steel and wood gate on both ends of the opening.
"This section of the wall is so much larger than the rest. Why is that?" She asked Zephyr.
"Since this is the entrance of the guild district, a lot of materials come through here, hence why its so much larger, that, and occasionally, monsters will play dead or be unconcise and wake up during the check. The gatehouse doubles not only as the main trade route, but also as a monster cage that can hold up to gold rank monsters." Zephyr explained.
"That's incredible!" Lirien said in wonder.
"Quite. The tale about why it was built is tragic. However, that's for another time." He said as they proceeded through the gate.
Halfway through, both the front gate of the gatehouse and the back snap shut, as the walls start glowing, filling the gatehouse with a pale aquamarine glow.
"Uhh... Is that supposed to happen?" Lirien asked very nervously.
"Yeah, that's part of the check. Between the two of us, our magic is enough to trip the security system." Zephyr reassured. As a guard approached.
"Please verify your guild badges," the guard announced.
Zephyr held his up, and Lirien followed suit.
"Confirmed. Please stand by," the guard said in the same monotone voice.
Shortly after, the gate slowly crept open and revealed the vista beyond the western gate. A vast rolling dry grassland with no trees in sight.
Lirien took it all in, the feel of the wind and the taste of the dust in the air. The seemingly endless horizon broken only by a massive mesa in the distance.
"Our destination is on the other side of that distant mountain," Zephyr said, pointing at the mesa in the distance.
"Can we really make that distance in 3 days?" Lirien said mostly to herself.
"Easily. It's not as far as it looks. Its just empty is all. Two days through the plains, one through the mesa." Zephyr said. "As long as the weather stays favorable, that is.
They started down the road with the sun slowly reaching the golden hour behind them in the east.