By Hana. (Mana_Skies) This is my entry for the [NA][Art of the Morning Light] + Tales of the Morning Light. Ch1 (Screenshots + Story)
I was walking along the street vendors of Velia looking for some new furniture for my house when the black spirit brought me a letter.

"Guess what? Yeonhwa just sent a letter saying she'd found a boat to take her to the land of the Morning light!" he said.
"That's unexpected," I said. "Wasn't that area ravaged by the Goldmont pirates not long ago?"
In typical fashion, he ignored me and continued.
"Finally going back to her homeland?" He laughed before pausing for a moment. "The land of the Morning Light, huh... Let's head over to the dock!"
"Good idea; we should see her off after everything we've been through." I responded as I started making my way to the harbor, the distant sound of the waves slowly reaching my ears.
"Mana!, How've you been? Look, I found myself a boat! I'll be off to the land of the Morning Light soon." Yeonhwa said cheerily.
"How did you manage this? I thought no one was braving the waters." I asked.
"The chief here! He was so astounded to hear of our adventures in the Magnus that he covered all of my travel fares!" She said, while looking out to sea.
"It seems the chief has more connections than I thought. You certainly went to the right man." I said, slightly annoyed, that the chief had never mentioned this before.
Yeonhwa then mentioned a strange man by the name of Uno. "Bartali and him hit it off with stories of their tales in Valencia and got into a drunken stupor in no time; I of course was listening in and reminiscing about my times in Valencia as well; before I knew it, it was already sunrise," she said recounting the party.
I was a bit annoyed not to be invited, but I held my tongue.
"Ahh. I was growing fond of this place. This is a bittersweet farewell." She said, then paused. "I wonder how my son's doing? Or if he's even alive..."
"You had a son?" I asked, surprised, unable to fathom being separated from family for 50 years without knowing if they were alive or well.
"I never told you I was a mother? I know I'm far too good-looking. Hahaha." She joked.
"You must miss him greatly" I responded.
"Talking about family... is... sensitive." She said with a look of pain and sadness on her face. "Now that I'm finally returning home, my thoughts turn to him..."
The old captain, who I can only assume is the fellow she mentioned earlier, interrupted. "Mistress Yeonhwa! We're about ready to shove off!
In her normal cheery tone, she called back, "Coming!" She turned and boarded the vessel, an old small ship of eastern make.
From the ship, she yelled as it sailed off, "Come visit, okay? Before I'm on my deathbed! I'd be upset if I left this world without seeing you! Bye!"

I waved back as it sailed in the distance, the sound of its sails  and oars covered by the waves.
Appearing beside me, the black spirit cut our farewell short. "Seems like that little snot from the Magnus is looking for us." He teased, "What was his name? Juju? UwU?"
I rolled my eyes. "Wuju, you little gremlin."
"Ah right, hehehe" He responded.
"Time to jump down a well again, I guess." I thought. I then paused to realize the absurdity that my life had become.
I made my way from the harbor back into town to find my horse. A unicorn I named Penelo, that I had met in the Narvarn Steppe while hunting for part of the Odore's spirit essence. I then set off for Bartali Farm to plunge down the well.

When I arrived, I noticed the corruption was unusually active. A sign that more anomalies had sprung up. Encasing both the well and a fairly significant part of the farm in dark energy once more.


And so, once again. I plummeted into the darkness.
I landed with a thunderous THUD. "I'll never get used to that." I said to myself as I stretched the impact off.
Wuju, hearing my entrance, was standing above me on the middle ring of the magnus. "Oh good! You're here! I didn't expect you to be back so soon." He said trying to hide his excitement.
Crossing my arms, I looked at him with a slightly annoyed expression and asked. "What happened this time?"
"This time? What do you mean this time?" He asked in his usual sassy tone. Do you remember the last abyssal vein? I was trying to fix it... but see the results for yourself. heh heh...."
"At least tell me you didn't make it worse." I said exasperated.
Avoiding the question, he asked, "Hey, so did Yeonhwa really leave for the land of the Morning Light? One day she said, "Farewell, snotface!" and never came back." While his expression was the same, I could hear a pain in his voice. "It feels like she's somewhere unreachable. To somewhere the abyssal veins can't reach. It makes this place feel empty."
He paused for a moment, then continued. "I've been dwelling on the fact that... we've never been apart, when suddenly the last abyssal vein started reacting! I tried to activate it myself, mostly just to keep myself busy, and then another anomaly occurred! Can you believe that? I thought we fixed them all!"
"Did any of the other ones start acting up?" I asked, hoping I wouldn't have to re-fix another mess made by some deranged nihilist.
"Oh, no, no, no. The rest of the abyssal veins are doing just fine," He responded reassuringly.

"I need your help," He said. "I thought everything was going perfectly, then there was just this unexpected.... hiccup... and *BOOF*! Anomaly!  I swear it wasn't my fault! I even tried fixing it several times! For realsies! Oh! Wait... Maybe Goyen came back and is on a rampage again?"
"Sylvia I hope not... That guy was a real pain in the ass." I responded, dreading another potentially world-ending event.
"It could be someone else? Perhaps our lost little ladykiller? Either way, I'm screwed! Please help me? Pleeeeese?" Wuju begged with sincerity.
"I swear to Sylvia if it's Jordine again, I'll feed him to vell." I seethed. Regaining my composure, I asked, Ok, so what's the situation?"
"Do you remember that abyssal pocket you fixed? "To the Dragon Palace"? I made that one. I've never been to the Dragon Palace, but I took some artistic license from Yeonhwa's tales." He said almost in a reminiscent tone. His tone then shifted to a panicked despair. "I was just thinking about how I'll never get any more stories, Now that Yeonhwa's gone beyond the Magnus' reach...."
"Hey, It'll be o..." I attempt to say before he cuts me off.
"I'm just. so bored! Jordine never stops by, and you just use the Magnus for ast traveling, and Yeonhwa! How could she just have... abandoned me here!" He ranted.
I gave a small laugh. "You seem to care deeply about Yeonhwa. Your bond must be special," I said with a smile.
"Really? I don't think it's special...? She just... kept things interesting around here." He lied. "Always running around, calling me "Snotface"! Wuju of the Magnus! Ah... sooo funny. Anyway, no more chitchat!"
"Let's fix this abyssal anomaly and activate that vein! Aren't you curious where they'll lead this time?" He asked excitedly.
"Honestly, you seem more excited than I do this time around," I said as I turned to the glowing platform.
"Ugh. This fall again," I thought as I leaped into the endless darkness.

I look around and see the various sea creatures swimming through the starry sky and the daunting orb behind me.
"At least I have a nice view this time." I laughed to myself.
Looking around, I saw a slightly raised platform with seven abyssal pearls surrounding it. Each shining in a moonlight silver light in a pattern of some sort With no other clues, I wait for the pattern to finish and restart. Then, as quickly as possible, I rushed them to the center of the platform as they glowed. First, second, third, then a black light surrounding the fourth as it made contact with the platform, and the remaining orbs vanished briefly before all seven reappeared.
Hmm. I must have missed one. Or the pattern didn't reset when I thought it did.
Now focused, I retried, this time at full speed, nearly leaving an afterimage as I went along. First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh, all encased in the silvery light, and on to the platform quicker than they could dissipate! Well. "I suppose learning my sister's techniques did come in handy." I thought to myself and chuckled.
The light slowly merged and took on a golden hue, and a strange device formed in the aura.

I grabbed it from the light and inspected it closer. "It seems to be some kind of... record device? It's filled with someone's memories." I thought as I tried to access it.
With no luck, the black cat of the magnus approached and rubbed my ankles, signifying it was time to move on. "Well, back to Wuju. He might be able to make heads or tails of this." I said to the black spirit.
In a flash. I was falling through the endless darkness once more.
"Oh hey!, Your back. You always magically solved all my problems. You honestly enjoy this work, don't you?" Wuju said before I could even orient myself, clearly waiting for me eagerly.
"You might want to see this." I said while  handing him the record device.
"What's this now? You found something interesting." He said, "Ooooh... a damaged recording device! I haven't had anything like this turn up in awhile!"
He took a moment, and the device activated; it resonated with Wuju, allowing only him to see the contents. "Huh? Whats this? I was on a boat...? I've never been on a boat!" He exclaimed, partially excited and panicked. "Did this device Did you have any feelings when you handled it?" He asked.
"Nope, none. It wouldn't react to me at all," I said, realizing what that device truly was. "I doubt it's the cause of the anomaly."
"oh.. OHHH! Do you remember how I told you that I don't remember how I got here? Well, I think this is part of my lost memory! What a serendipitous happenstance! While plumbing the abyssal depths for an anomaly, you found this!" Wuju exclaimed excitedly! "I'll get to work fixing this, so you eliminate the remaining anomalies.
"Yea yea. I'll get going." I said sarcastically, and then turned to the next glowing platform. Once again, as I stood on the platform, the darkness and old magic swarmed the center, spiraling into it.
Once again. Endless darkness.

THUD. "SPit cough! Ugh. Sand! Ugh, this place again."
I made my way to a strange device near the stairs, It was inscribed with a simple set of instructions.
"Reach the top of the tower in two minutes."
Well, this one's simple enough." I said to the black spirit:
Pressing the button, I bolted up the tower's steps before seeing another device. I activated it, expecting it to provide a path in the gap ahead... It did not, but there was another device right next to the gap. I stopped just short of the ledge, nearly flying off, and activated the second device, and BINGO! Two platforms appeared. But then went nowhere. They were too low to get on. I waited on them to go up...  but then they vanished under my feet, plummeting me several dozen meters to the bottom.
"Oh, COME on!" I yelled as I got up and brushed the sand off my Kimono. "Might as well restart the main timer," I thought as I once again raced up the tower. I stopped at the first device this time and activated it. I looked around, and after a short delay, another platform appeared. Luckily, this one didn't disappear under my feet and took me most of the way up quickly.
I hopped off just a few floors short of my goal, took a breath, and began my ascent once more, teleporting, as quickly and as far as possible, leaving clouds of sand in my wake. Again, a device next to a gap "This better not vanish under my feet again." I thought to myself.

I hit it and, at full speed, "Fuck these platforms!" I yelled to myself as they didn't move but started glowing instead. This time, however, I leapt as high as possible and landed on the stairs above, sliding face first into some black fur. "I'm going to kill that snotface when I get back," I thought as the cat licked my now sand covered face. "Oh god dammit." I said as I was teleported back to the endless darkness.
I picked myself up and made my way to Wuju, who was still distracted by the device, but turned to me as I approached. "You're back!" He said excitedly. "Why are you covered in sand? You know what? Never mind. While you were gone fixing anomalies, I remembered some more things!"
"Great. What did you remember?" I said while picking sand out of my hair and wiping my glasses.
A bit overly excited, he starts rambling. "The magnus didn't look like this before...! It was a big, shiny star? Celestial b--  I- I don't know how else to describe it.... Anyway. With this device, it seems like as you fix anomalies, you unlock information bit by bit! So go on and fix that last anomaly for me!"
"You know what? Just going and fixing it is easier than talking to him right now." I thought to myself while approaching the last of the glowing platforms. I activated it and took the plunge. "Sweet darkness, take me."
This time, no thud. No back-breaking impact Just a gentle portal to step through.

he room I found myself in was ornate. Unfamiliar yet somehow... nostalgic It was lavishly decorated with eastern art and tapestries. Everything felt familiar. At the center of the room. An old man stood working, Tending to the various documents.
As I approached, he spoke up. "This place is not for the likes of you, yet... How did you stumble upon this place?" He asked. Eying me curiously.
"Uhh. I guess... I'm looking for a way out?" I say cautiously. While he has the appearance of a man, what was under the exterior is not human. At least anymore.
He takes a breath and explains. "There was never a way out of this place, I'm afraid.. However, if you grant my request, I shall let you out just once. I recall having a drink with a guest last night. Yet, when inebriated, I tend to safeguard things."
The old man continued, "The problem is, I cannot recall where I placed the item of great importance from last night. As I have urgent matters to attend to, could you kindly  assist me in locating it?"
This seemed less of a request and more of a demand. "Not like I'm going anywhere otherwise" I said to him.
He gave a slight smile and went back to attending to the documents in front of him.
I began searching, looking at the various locked boxes, book shelves, and odds and ends scattered around the room. I then realized that I had no clue what I was looking for. I sat at a table with some various leftovers and bottles of wine for a few moments to observe the room. "If I were a drunkard wanting to safeguard something, where would I put it?" I thought, studying the area near me.
"One thing's for sure. With as many bottles that are here, it can't be far. I'm surprised it's not in the middle of the floor." I thought as my eyes were drawn to an empty pot devoid of any plant or other contents that were visible from the outside.
I peer inside the pot and see an old-looking key. "Well. This is probably part of it." I said, thankful for the slower pace of this anomaly.
I walked around, checking each box slowly, starting with the ones near the table and making my way from the back of the room to the center. Nothing.  None of them fit the key. "Perhaps I'm missing one?" I thought as I walked the room.
"Hmm. Perhaps behind where the portal was? ... ... Bingo! The last box, and by far the oldest and smallest-looking of the bunch, I carefully pick up the box and examine it for any sort of trap or trick.
CLICK.  The lock pops open, and inside... a weathered register written in the language of the east.
"This must be what he's looking for." I said to myself. "Hey, Is this it?" I called out to the old man.
"Oh good. You've found the register. Well done." He said smiling. "Thank you. You've prevented a catastrophic outcome. I'll let you leave here safe and sound. As a token of my gratitude for finding this Netherworld Register, let us have a drink next time you come. Hahahaha!."
"Netherworld register." I thought worriedly. "I wonder if it was a bad idea to give it to that thing."
"You look... rather uneasy. Very well, take care." He responded almost as if he could read my thoughts.

On que, the black cat appears in a golden light.
I reach down and pet the cat behind the ear and say in a soft tone. "Well. I guess this is goodbye for now. Back to the abyss I go." I then fell into endless darkness.
"Wuju really needs to invest in portals." I quip to myself.
"That's the last of the three anomalies," The black spirit interjects. The abyssal vein should be working now. Aren't you curious about what's waiting on the other side? hehe!"
I pick myself up and walk down to the abyssal veins, where Wuju was waiting, and sure enough, as I approach, a surging darkness pours out of the inactive vein, bringing a new destination to reality.
"This place is... the Land of the Morning Light... Yeonhwa's homeland." Wuju said. His voice trembling with disbelief.
"Hey. It's exactly as you wanted, isn't it? Now she has no reason not to come visit!" I say trying to calm him down.

For a few moments, there is silence. "You're not happy about it?" I ask solemnly.
"I thought it over... Who I was... and my connection to Yeonhwa... and I'm not really sure whose skin I'm wearing though...." He says shaking and goes quiet for a while. "Ages ago... I was Yeonhwa's Black Spirit! She crossed the sea on a secret mission when her child was held hostage... We endured great hardships and arrived at the Valencia ruins. In that underground, we found a long lost relic. And some kind of primitive black spirit awoke and attacked us... But I lost my memories, so it felt like being born.. right at that moment. So when I saw the unconscious woman in red, I had no idea who she was! I panicked and ran back to the magnus, leaving her behind. After that... my mind went blank again! I barely remember. All I'm sure of is that I had a special bond with Yeonhwa. Like you and that little eavesdropper beside you. Go to the Land of the Morning Light and tell Yeonhwa..... that Wuju is looking for her... Tell her that her old partner misses her very much." Wuju seemed on the verge of tears as he thought of his long-lost partner.
"We will. Don't worry." I assure him. You swear, in that unchanging expression, that he smiles as he glides off.
I turn to my black spirit. "We should head back home first to prepare."
"I agree. Besides, Emma from Bartali Farm sent us an invitation. Was she really that grateful for solving the well problem?" The black spirit snickers.
"Wait. When did she invite us to anything?" I asked.
Oh, I got the letter for you a few days ago. The party should be in a few hours. hehe" The black spirit said with a laugh.
"For Sylvia's sake, why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked annoyed.
"It wasn't important. But since we fished this quickly, let's head over there." He snickered.
For hopefully the final time for the near future, I jump into the Balenos abyssal vein and once more I am engulfed in endless darkness.
As I emerged from the well near the Velia battle arena, the evening light stung my eyes. "Just now, sundown? I could have sworn we were in there for days. Time really does move differently in there."
I look over at the black spirit and say, "No time to lose. I'm pretty sure we're late to dinner." I say as I pull out the celestial calling horn and call forth my steed.
"Back to Bartali Farm!" I say to myself.

I arrived to find some wonderful friends and an even more wonderful feast awaiting me.
As I approached, Clorince, Emma, Eileen, Dr. Uno, and old Bartali were all sharing tales, both their own, and those they had heard over the years, and we all exchanged greetings.
"Ah," Old Bartali said, a bit tipsy, while turning to me. "What a tale. By the way, have you heard? About... what was it? Nem, pou... Num.. bo?"
Emma sighed in annoyance. "Gramps. It's Namppo. Nam. Po!"
"Ah yes." He said clearing his throat. " hahaha. Nampo. Not the easiest to pronounce, that's for sure. Not sure why they underwent such a drastic name change."
"You're talking about the harbor across the sea, right? The one that would let no one through for years?" I asked, as I had been there a few times over the years.
"Yes, The one across the Magoria Sea, on that foreign continent, the one they used to call Port Ratt." Old Bartali said"After such long construction, it's finally open! They tell new visitors that "even the mountains and rivers have changed!"
"... Even the mountains and rivers have changed?..." I asked back, knowing that the reason they were closed was far more than just construction.
"It's a saying in their land, meaning, there've been great changes! Hohoho. How was that? Did I sound like a real Morninglander?" He says with tipsy confidence as I try to stifle a laugh and roll my eyes.
Eileen interjects and says in a mock scholarly tone. "According to records, Ratt is an antiquated name for the region. Nampo is the more modern name, right, Gramps?" She pauses for a brief moment, "So Port Ratt isn't necessarily wrong, but nowadays people call that area Dami Pier."
"So what brought up Nampo anyway? Reminiscing about Yeonhwa's departure already?" I asked.
"Actually, Velia is planning to start trade with Nampo now that the Goldmont pirates and sea have settled down. We need to beat out Altinova, Ancado, and Epheria." Emma says in an usually serious tone. "It's the first step to solidifying the position of Balenos within the Republic. Soooo. We thought perhaps... You could go along with?"
Eileen interrupts Emma: Oh, just spit it out! This is a big undertaking, and we want you to be part of it!"
Now talking over Eileen, Emma said, "Go to the Land of the Morning Light as our representative! Test the waters and see if it's safe to set up a trade route."
"Well. I was planning on going there anyway. So I guess I can see what I can do. I will warn you. I have no experience in bartering." I answered them. Other than that battle with resealing Vell, I honestly haven't had much experience on the ocean, let alone with ocean trade and island bartering.
"Embarking on another adventure! How romantic! I wish I could tag long, but Gorath gave me homework.." Eileen said, with the last part being especially bitter.
We continued eating and recounting our tales while the sun set. "I'm envious of you at times like these. A journey to a mysterious continent..." Old Bartali said, mostly to himself. "I'm far too old for such adventures anymore." He then turned to me. "Enjoy the journey for me."
As the first of the stars shown, I get up from the table and say, "I think it's time I prepare for my voyage."
"Well then... Do take care of yourself," Emma said.
"Oh yeah, you have to bring back presents, alright?" Eileen said jokingly.
Old Bartali got up and exclaimed. "No pressure, Mana, Balenos' very future is in your hands! Hahahah!"
Oh, Igor, let them be," Uno chided, "You just enjoy your trip!"
I turn to leave, saying one last goodbye. "Safe travels, Mana," Emma called.
"Let us have another drink when you return!" Old Bartali called out
"Dont~ forget~ our presents~!" Eileen sang with a laugh.
From the top of the hill at Bartali Farm, I slowly glided back to Velia and made my way to the harbor. Stopping to change into a more suitable outfit for sailing at home and talking with the black spirit along the way.
"So back to the Magnus" The black spirit said.
"Nope. They said to establish a trade route, so we will be taking our ship." I said back.
"But that's sooo much slower." He complained.
"That's the point. Yeonwha left just this morning. Do you know how pissed she'd be if we got there before her through the Magnus?"
"Hehe. Good point," He said.
I went into the sailors tavern in the harbor and called out. "Hey, it's time to depart." To my crew.
"We aren't fighting a giant sea monster again, are we?" One of them yells back in retort.
"Not this time; we are just heading to Nampo." I respond as they make their way out of the building.
"Where n bloody hell's that?" The old, grizzled Willston sailor asks

"You just leave navigation to me," I said, reassuring him. I look at Arkahn, who was quiet as ever, but still not a word.
We boarded and set off. The sound of the ocean and the groaning boards of the ship were all that remained to be heard.
I stopped at various islands on the way. Luivano, Mariveno, Baremi, and Lema and had no luck on trade. "This... is more difficult than I thought." I said to myself. "Don't get down, captain." Willston reassured. "You're still great at slayin monsters," He jokingly reassured. I gave him a sharp but playful look, and we drew anchor and began sailing into the great Magoria Sea, now well into the night.

The sea was calm, and nary a sighting of pirates. The ocean had truly calmed down ever since defeating Vell.
With favorable winds and the blessing of the sea. We saw land by first light.

Welcome to the land of the Morning Light.
To be continued